Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Idea

I figured out my gameplay design and mechanics. Now for a setting/story/background. Think Turn based DOTA style realtime mmo. Sql server for "hero" leveling, dota style maps, realtime battles, upgraded units, turn based battles, overview/map like a tabletop game. Possibilities include "free to play" as well as subscription, one time sale, or even donation based revenue. Not too much overhauling, although extensive server work needed for leveling back end. I'm thinking each 'turn' u pick 1 of say, 3 heros u unlocked. Then play as him, while ur other squads duke it out through ai, or a digital dice roll. Then control of resources is established by property/turf. Each turn is upkeep/pay day. Each week gets bonus pay. Currency can be traded, items could be enchanted, all stored in a database for mmo uses. Each match could be 64 ppl, and possibly 2 or 3 extra heros per person. So think... 64 time 4 to be even... 256 ppl in a battle? Sounds pretty intense I think... could be as addictive as wow, or more even...... :)